Friday, June 27, 2008

I Shamoo, Do you? or Aunt Kimi is Crazy

On June 21, 2008, I entered the glacial waters of Redfish Lake. The water temp was 52 degrees. I was fully clad in wet suit, booties, gloves, neoprene hat, and a whole bag of crazy.

I had three hats to help prevent the ice cream brain freeze that was sure to follow once the race began. I felt fairly confident that the 1000 meter swim couldn't be that far as I looked at the buoys. Then the kayakers that were sent out to be the guardian angels and shamoo catchers headed out. They looked so small and the distance looked so far. I started praying then that I just wouldn't die.

I recently finished my 25th half marathon in Rexburg in the Dam Half Marathon It was great!! (The swim was harder than all the halfs put together and run at once.) All the helpers wore shirts that said "Dam Volunteer". The full marathon started at Teton Dam, hence the name. I almost inherited a dog from the whole dam thing. The full head, full bodied lab with midget legs (4 inches at best) ran over 8 miles with me. I talked to the dog and informed him that he would be welcome to live in a small condo with 3 cats, one husband, and me if he showed up at the finish line. In the end, Rex (if it was a male dog) or Teton (if she was female) did not show up. Alas, another dog will find me when the time is right. Until then, run little Forest dog run!!!

After much praying, doggy paddling, and the occasional back stroke to allow my heart rate to drop below 200 bpm, I saw the swimmers ahead of me walking in the sand. I immediately began reaching below me. HOORAY!!! I finally reached the bottom and ran/beached ashore. Team Sagegrouse (pictured below) was off. Rich Drick was our fabulous biker and Joelene Diehl (known as Big Diehl) was our fabulous runner. Overall, we finished and each felt inspired to someday complete our own triathlon. I for one will not pick the race for recovery in Redfish again unless the temps are well above 70 degrees!!! Until then, I will continue to be a fish out of water searching for the see!!


Elisa said...

Hey you! good for you! I can't believe you did that! It made me tired just reading about it!
So fun to find you again!

LauraP said...

Way to go Kimi! I think maybe you are a little crazy... I don't think I could do that. You are awesome!

melissa said...

at least you do those things...just to think it about it gives me a cramp.....